Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tues Oct. 5, 2010

"Flat File Databases are easy to set up and don't require expert knowledge." Hmmm.. I think I may have created these type of files in the past, perhaps I just wasn't aware of it. Just from the way the guy on the video was explaining it, it doesn't seem too complex in comparison to many other things in our class of information systems. I guess we're finally going to have a chance to do some "hands on work" in creating something in class on the computer, aside from this blog; which by the way is the first time I ever create a blog for myself. I have never created a website, URL, blog, etc until today. Besides facebook and all those other online networks. So this should be interesting..

1 comment:

  1. Esteban:
    Yes, it's a little like discovering that you've been talking prose all your HAVE been creating flat files all your life. The demo starting next Tuesday will show you how to construct a RDBMS, which is something you've probably never done before...

