Thursday, October 14, 2010

Today's Exam

Finally, the midterm is over with.. YES!! This exam has been anticipated all week and really has been stressing me out. I felt like I did pretty well on it, at least I felt that way because I went throught it really quick. But then again, that could go both ways.. Im just going to be optimistic about it and hope for the best results.
On tuesday I actually got my hands dirty and put something together on the computer. I am glad I got the chance to do this because I had never used Microsoft Access before. Surprisingly, my computer has the software as well! That is good, I might have been in a little bit of a situation if I had not.

1 comment:

  1. Well done on the exam! Over two sections, you got the highest score....
    You are in a good position since your machine has Access on it...2007 or 1997? (It's a little easier to do things on Access 2007, but everything we'll do you can also do in Access 1997.)
