Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Midterm#3 is here already. It came so quick! For some reason I feel unsettled for but at the same time at ease. NOT A GOOD SIGN! I know i did fairly well on the last exam, but I dont want to feel relaxed walking into the class thinking I will ace it easily. I will definitely have to do some crunching for this one. The most difficult part for me this time is the fact that I have another midterm, that same day! Right before class as well. As I am walking out of my Real Estate midterm, I will walking into the belly of the beast across the hall. All I can do is prepare and hope for the best because at that point, it is what it is. CRUNCH TIME!

1 comment:

  1. With good preparation (taking notes during the lectures?), you can walk into any exam and feel calm....
